Privacy Policy


This privacy policy provides customers and other stakeholders with information about how the data controller processes their personal data and how it is protected. We comply with Finnish data protection laws and the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1. Data Controller

Ateno Oy
Business ID: 1505340-4
Kärritie 5
65200 Evijärvi
040 5681 317

Contact person responsible for the register:
CEO Juhani Koivisto
040 5681 317

2. Name of the Register

Ateno Oy’s Customer and Marketing Register

3. Purpose of Personal Data Processing

The purpose of the register is to maintain customer relationships, customer communication, and communication and marketing to current and potential customers and stakeholders. We use personal data only for the aforementioned purposes.

4. Registered Data


  • Company name
  • Company email address
  • Company phone number
  • Company postal address
  • Company business ID
  • Company industry
  • Information about the company’s ordered services, their delivery, and billing
  • Data related to acquiring new customers, including contact details


  • Person’s name and title
  • Person’s email address
  • Person’s phone number
  • Person’s address details
  • Direct marketing consents and prohibitions

Personal data is generally processed as long as the contract, upon which the data processing is based, is in force. The data is recorded in the register as provided by the data subject and updated as communicated by the data subject to the data controller.

5. Regular Sources of Information

We collect personal data during the customer relationship and while working to establish a potential customer relationship. Information is also gathered via email. Additionally, data may be collected from the Population Information System and other third-party registers, such as the Business Information System (YTJ) and The Finnish E-invoice Address Service (TIEKE). Data can also be collected during events like trade fairs and networking and marketing events.

6. Regular Disclosures of Data

Personal data may be selectively disclosed, for example, for the Data Controller’s targeted marketing campaigns. The ownership of the data remains with the Data Controller, and third parties are not permitted to use the data for purposes outside the assignment. Information is disclosed to authorities as required by law, such as for investigating and preventing misuse. In order to fulfill a customer’s assignment or with the customer’s consent, data may also be transferred or disclosed to temporary registers, such as event, raffle, or research registers. We disclose personal data to a collection agency if necessary to monitor payments.

The following service providers used by Ateno Oy may selectively process the personal data of the Data Subjects:

7. Transfer of Data Outside the EU or EEA

The data in the Data Controller’s customer register is generally not transferred outside the EU or EEA. However, data may be transferred or disclosed outside the European Union or European Economic Area, if necessary, by the aforementioned service providers. Please refer to the companies’ privacy policies through the above links.

8. Principles of Register Protection

The Data Controller stores the customer register information in digital information systems, which are protected by usernames, passwords, and access rights. The network and hardware containing the register are secured by a firewall and other technical measures. Access rights required for logging into the information system are granted only to members of the data controller. A contact person oversees disclosures. Individuals handling customer data are always bound by confidentiality.

9. Right to Inspect and Correct Information

The Data Controller’s customers and partners have the right to inspect their personal data and request the correction of incorrect information. Data will be inspected and corrected upon the person’s signed written request, either by mail or by email. The request should be addressed to the contact person at the Data Controller’s address:

Ateno Oy / Juhani Koivisto
Business ID: 1505340-4
Kärritie 5
65200 Evijärvi, FINLAND
040 5681 317

10. Other Rights Related to the Processing of Personal Data

The Data Subject has the right to object to the processing of data and the right to request the restriction of data processing. The Data Subject has the right to receive their personal data, which they have provided to the Data Controller, in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format, and the right to transfer this data to another data controller. Additionally, the Data Subject has the right to object to automated decision-making and profiling. The Data Subject also has the right to prohibit the use of their data for marketing and advertising purposes and to secure other rights mentioned in the data protection law.

11. Data Deletion and Retention Period

Personal data is retained as long as there is a justifiable business-related reason for processing it. When there is no longer a basis for processing, the data is anonymized or deleted. The Data Subject may also request the deletion of data based on the law (the right to be forgotten). However, data will not be deleted if there is a legal requirement to retain it, if a competent authority has initiated a process requiring the Data Controller to retain the data, or if another party has applied for a protective order from a Finnish court for the data. The Data Subject can unsubscribe from the email marketing list via the unsubscribe link found in each marketing email.

12. Use of Cookies

We use so-called cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that websites can use to make the user experience more efficient. According to the law, we can store cookies on your device if they are absolutely necessary for the operation of the site. We need your consent for the use of other types of cookies. You can find more information about our cookie practices in the summary below.

13. Updating the Privacy Policy

Based on business development and legal changes, the Data Controller reserves the right to update the content of the privacy policy without separate notice. We recommend reviewing the content of the policy regularly.

Updated 19.9.2024